Emotional Regulation for Geeks: 5 Geeky Interventions to Manage Your Emotions
Emotional regulation is an important skill for anyone. Geeks can harness the power of their favorite pop culture references to help them regulate their emotions. Join us as we explore five geeky interventions that can help you regulate your emotions and find peace during life's challenges.

Supporting Someone Who is Grieving: Tips and Advice
Grief is a deeply personal journey; supporting someone through it can be challenging. By showing empathy, actively listening, and providing practical help, you can support your loved one in navigating this difficult time. Learn some practice steps to take in providing support to a loved one who has suffered a loss.

Building A Relationship With Nature
Our modern society's view of nature is that it is separate from us. This has increased feelings of disconnection and isolation. Clinicians are using nature-based interventions to increase the bond their clients have with nature.

Emotional Intelligence Activity Using Inside Out
Building this skill-set of emotional intelligence is important for both children and adults. Individuals successful at learning and understanding emotional intelligence are able to build relationships, reduce stress for themselves and team members, and understand how to discuss the conflict. This guided prompt for the Pixar movie, Inside Out, will help therapist clients’ or caregivers and their children learn to foster their emotional intelligence.

Self-Care Check-In Activity
Self-care is an action based on love towards the self. By caring for ourselves unapologetically, we get into a deeper level of self-love and become a master of our own lives. Therefore, it’s important to routinely check-in to see if we have neglected our self-care.

Using Animal Crossing for the Grieving Process
Animal Crossing players are using the open-ended design of the game to create beautiful gardens, altars, or memorial areas for loved ones, pets, and celebrities who have passed. This game offers a lot of healing experiences for those grieving.

Creating A Self-Affirming Office Space at Home
When Ariel Landrum made the transition from in-person to online-only, she ceased the opportunity to customize and accommodate her working space, to her tastes and needs. Learn about the items she obtained to make her home office affirming for herself, and her clients.

What Clinicians Should Know Before Writing An Emotional Support Animal Letter
As clinicians, it may be jarring to have a client ask us to write them an emotional support animal letter. Before starting the letter-writing process, clinicians need to be trained in understanding what they are assessing. Clinical Director of Guidance Teletherapy, Ariel Landrum LMFT, was recently Interviewed by Elizabeth “Beth” Iraias, of Clearly Clinical, to help give guidance on the legal and ethical considerations of ESA letter writing.

Disney-Fying Self-Care
Happiest Pod On Earth dives in on self-care and the different ways the hosts use Disney mediums to incorporate it into their everyday lives. They define self-care and give examples for children, adults, and families.

Child Abuse and Neglect Red Flags for Mandated Reporters Providing Online Services
Mandated reporters are professionals that, as part of their professional duties, are expected to report suspected child, dependent adult, or elder abuse. Reporting suspected child abuse and neglect have become more difficult for clinicians, as their usual ways of assessing are not accessible during a time of social distancing and online therapy. As someone who has been doing online therapy with children and families for years, I’ve had to make child abuse reports. I provide the common red flags seen during online therapy for potential child abuse.

12 Myths About Therapists
There are a lot of myths about therapists. People believe some of the silliest, and sometimes most hurtful things about us. As therapy becomes more accessible, it’s worth it to learn more about who we are. I “myth bust” 12 common myths about therapists.

Excelling at Telehealth with Children and Teens
Clinical Director of Guidance Teletherapy, Ariel Landrum, LMFT was interviewed by licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Elizabeth “Beth” Irias, of Clearly Clinical to help give guidance on the legal and ethical considerations of working with children and teens online. I also provide examples of the therapeutic interventions I use online that increase engagement.

Therapeutic Gameplay In Animal Crossing
Therapy is a vast field of opportunity. Funny enough, so is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Learn how therapists are finding ways to incorporate this popular game in their treatment with their clients.

The Hulk and Posttraumatic Growth
Recently I was interviewed by Christine Killmer, aka “Christine the Middle-Aged Fangirl” of Project FanCare, a non-profit helping people with mental illness learn how to use their pop-culture passions to improve their mental health. Watch the interview to learn how I use The Hulk as an incredible example of posttraumatic growth and trauma resiliency.

13 Stress Management Tips and Mantras
Stress: a six letter word that can wreak havoc on anyone, causing undue pain and sorrow. As a clinician who has a Certification in Stress Management, these are the thirteen common skills I teach my patients that help them change how they relate to their stress.

Interventions for Online Therapy with Children and Youth
In response to COVID-19 (coronavirus), a lot of clinicians are offering, or entirely switching, their practice to online therapy. Therapists who work with children and youth may find this daunting, as the space provided by the screen allows for little control in the session room and out-of-the-box thinking regarding interventions. Learn the interventions I, and many online therapists use, with children, youth, and families.

Transitioning to Online Therapy in Response to COVID-19: How to Start, Legal and Ethical Concerns, Products, and Documentation
Local governments are responding to the threat of the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Many recommend gatherings and events of more than 250 people that could either be postponed or canceled. As therapists, our jobs include educating our clients, educating ourselves, and ensuring safety. Many of you want to learn how to provide teletherapy and don't know where to start. This desire stems from the desire to keep both you and your client safe. I share with you steps to get started, equipment to consider, and a chance to purchase my informed consent for teletherapy treatment.