Chapter 1: Get to Know Roblox
Take time to understand exactly what Roblox is and why children are drawn to it.

Understanding and Processing Grief Using Geeky Examples
Losing someone or something important to us can be incredibly difficult. As a geek, you might find it helpful to relate your grief to your experiences of loss with your passions and fandoms. This blog post aims to highlight ways to process grief using geeky experiences.

Connecting With Your Gamer Child
Relationship building is an important part of being a caregiver, and what better way than by meeting your gamer child where they are at: gaming. Using the therapeutic powers of play, we provide you with 4 actionable steps to help you build a relationship with your gamer child.

Presenting at the Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit
From April 9-11, 2021, the first-ever Therapeutic Geek and Gaming Summit (TAGGS) was virtually brought to us by Geek Therapy & The Bodhana Group. Over 70 presenting professionals worldwide attended, virtually, to conduct panels, workshops, and presentations centered around Geek culture and fandom. Clinical Director Ariel Landrum, LMFT was given the honor to present two panels at the event.

Therapeutic Gameplay In Animal Crossing
Therapy is a vast field of opportunity. Funny enough, so is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Learn how therapists are finding ways to incorporate this popular game in their treatment with their clients.